BNPL - Store Search (Nearby) Mobile App

Imagine a world where shopping is effortless, and budgeting is a breeze.

Our conceptual BNPL (Flixpay) app lets you do just that!

↳ Find nearby shops in a flash.

No more searching for store locations -

our app does it for you!

↳ Set virtual card limits with ease.

Stay in control of your spending by

setting spending limits for each store.

Want to see the magic in action? 

Check out the full Flixpay case study on Behance! ➡️ Flixpay - Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) | FinTech Mobile App

🔍 Also Check 👇

Flixpay - Promo

Flixpay - Branding

Flixpay - App Onboarding

Flixpay - App Home Features

Flixpay - Price Comparison

Flixpay - Online Shopping

Flixpay - Money Management

Flixpay - Payment Options

Flixpay - Delivery Tracking

Flixpay - Referral Feature

bnpl store search nearby
bnpl store search nearby

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Schedule a 30-minute free consultation call with one of our mobile experts ↙️

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Musemind UI/UX Agency
Crafting Digital Products for Startup, Specializing SaaS👌

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